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come inside... please relax, enjoy your stay, and thank you for visiting (o^▽^o)
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welcome to dreams of vinushka!
hello! this is dreams of vinushka, the personal website of someone called sandal! this site is my own digital wonderland coded by my own two paws! dreams of vinushka was born on August 19th 2024 as a personal project and it has been almost constantly worked on ever since that day! watch out for broken code becuase this website is almost constantly under construction and will probably be a work in progress forever lol... i like to change up the layout of my site a lot btw so look out for that
click here to see the fanlistings, webrings, cliques, etc... that im apart of
the name dreams of vinushka comes mainly from the god vinushka, the god of nature from the fear & hunger games. but it also references the DIR EN GREY song also named vinushka which is where the gods name comes from too! (i love all the DEG references in fear and hunger)
January 15 2025: made a sitemap! see here
January 14 2025: featured album archive has been added! see here
January 12 2025: remade CLEVER SLEAZOID shrine!!!!!!! visit
January 11 2025: remade Animal Crossing shrine visit
January 10 2025: remade アイト shrine!!! visit
January 10 2025: made shrines page veiw
January 9 2025: new journal entry!
January 9 2025: new blog post! read
January 8 2025: made a new blog page! visit
January 7 2025: made a links page! it is under the name "link garden" visit
January 5 2025: update 3 - made a "journals" page there is where i write about my day to day life! see
update 2 - made a page all about me, the webmaster! see
update 1 - made a page for the fanlistings, cliques, clubs, and webrings to go in see
January 4 2025: new homepage!
also... please be aware: dreams of vinushka is not made with mobile devices (esspecially cell phones) in mind so the majority of pages will not work or look how they were intended to... so please use a computer for the best experience! and i am prone to making spelling mistakes and other gramatical or date errors if you find one do not tell me i will get embarased i usually find and fix them myself pretty quickly
while youre where why not check out my DIR EN GREY fansite Bottom of the Death Valley too! its so awesome
homepage |
sitemap |
webmaster |
journal |
blog |
shrines |
link garden |
guestbook |
album of the whenever
in this section you can find a featured album! its just an album that i like that i wanted to share! as the name suggests there is no schedule and i change it whenever i feel like it
Analogue Fortune by Kilhi+Ice! (released 1999)
listen here!
tracks: 01.孤独の絆 02.Hack Art~三文芸術
05.ブリキの太鼓 06.The 23rd Century's Green
my rating of this album: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dreams of vinushka made with love (o´∀`o)♪ born on August 19 2024
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