about me ٩(˙ᵕ˙⑅๑)
name sandal
birthday january 20
age fifteen
pronouns they/them
my favorite animals are cats (i have 3 pet cats), hamsters, and guinea pigs

i love animal crossing! my favorite game is new leaf for the 3ds

some other games i like: yakuza (3 is my favorite), fear and hunger, ace attourney, stardew valley, garage, and lots more...

i like to collect cds by my favorite artists! and dvds of my favorite movies

i really like fizzy drinks, i also like mixing drinks together my favorite combo is sprite and lemonade or apple juice and cranberry juice

i love ice cream cookie sandwiches, they are like my favorite dessert

my favorite game console is the nintendo 3ds, ive had one since i was like 7. i love the games on it and the themes

in my free time i like to draw, code, play video games, and a lot of other stuff, i have a lot of hobbies

my favorite patterns are any type of plaid and stripes and polkadots

if you ever need or want to contact me you can send me an email at dreamer36281230@gmail.com
or leave a message on my guestbook or neocities profile

Q and A!
  • Question: whos your favorite animal crossing villager?
    my answer: probably Muffy i think she's really cute!

  • Question: what's your favorite lolita substyle?
    my answer: this is very hard but i really like kuro and shiro! i think they look very cool (o˘◡˘o)

  • Question: what do you hate most about school?
    my answer: dumb rules and homework, my school doesnt allow any electronics from home even during our free hour and it makes me mad (you can have them out durring passing time and lunch though). also homework is dumb i dont want to do extra work at home unless i think i really need it (not often)

  • Question: are you going to college
    my answer: I plan to, i think want to do an archival job which you do generally need a degree for.

  • Question: if you had to choose between submerging the lower half of your body in a bucket of sprite for 4 hours or putting on a pair of damp pants found in a tub in an alleyway which would you choose?
    my answer: this is a very strange question if i could choose neither i would... but i think id choose the alleyway pants because it doesnt say how long im supposed to wear them for

  • Question: if you had to describe yourself with a song, what song would it be?
    my answer: honestly... i have no idea sry lol

  • if you would ever like to ask me a question for the Q&A just send me an email with the subject Q&A or a neocities message w/ the question (make sure to specify that its for the Q&A)

    why did i start this website? - i started dreams of vinushka because i started coming across other personal websites and i thought it would be fun! (it is very fun) ive been coding for a long time but i only started coding html and css like a month before i created this website. i hope to keep updating dreams of vinushka for a long time going forward

    my journal    my blog

    dreams of vinushka made with love (o´∀`o)♪ born on August 19 2024
    hosted on neocities.org