welcome to dreams of vinushka! (my personal website) everything you see here comes from my heart mind and soul... i hope you enjoy my digital wonderland!!

the name dreams of vinushka is a reference to the god of nature vinushka from the fear and hunger games (introduced in termina) and the song released in 2008 by DIR EN GREY... the god vinushka's name is actually a reference to the dir song but when i was naming this site they were the first i thought of

extra notes: this site looks best on desktop... please ignore any spelling mistakes i am not the best at spelling

email me at dreamer36281230@gmail.com (or click the mailbox)

website updates!

11/21/24 got added to pikring! (pikmin webring)
directory page is complete!
webmaster page is complete (webrings, cliques, and fanlistings have been moved there)

11/18/24 links/resorces page is up!

11/17/24 i think ive finnaly made a layout that im happy with! say hello to dreams of vinushka ver 6!

11/15/24 site makeover begins

11/14/24 layout ver 5

10/20/24 layout ver 4

10/14/24 layout ver 3

08/29/24 layout ver 2

08/19/24 dreams of vinushka is created

who is the sandal? sandal is me, the webmaster of dreams of vinushka! you may also call me seraph or blythe! my two favorite things are cats and DIR EN GREY

you can learn about me on the webmaster page!

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Like deer, a female rabbit is called a 'doe' and a male rabbit is called a 'buck'

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dreams of vinushka since 08/19/24 made with love!
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